Gender and Disaster POD

WHGNE’s Gender and Disaster Pod was this year awarded the Resilient Australia Award for Nationally Significant Projects, for its creation of the Gender and Emergency Management Guidelines, a set of guidelines for use in the emergency management sector, which include information around addressing domestic violence before, during and after disaster.

The GAD Pod also won the Victorian Resilient Australia Community Award for Long-Term Disaster Resilience Research.

These accolades came as the GAD Pod continued to influence the national conversation around domestic violence and disaster, with presentations at national and state conferences and webinars – including a plenary presentations at the 7th National Natural Resource Management Knowledge Conference, the No To Violence Conference and Melbourne University’s Gender and Sexuality at Work Conference.

WHGNE’s Lessons in Disaster and Under Pressure: LGBTI training not only saw 350 people from the emergency sector participate, but also included a further 160 online participants.

The GAD Pod also distributed 20,000 postcards to emergency services and other frontline workers in the aftermath of the 2019-20 bushfires, and has established a sound partnership with Respect Victoria to fund COVID-19-related research projects.
