Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) welcomes the newly released National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-32, and its commitment to ending gender-based violence within a generation.
Amanda Kelly, the CEO of WHGNE described the National Plan as thorough and ambitious, adding that WHGNE was pleased to see a focus on holistic, evidence-based solutions, as well as the meaningful acknowledgement of structural, systemic and social inequality as drivers of gender-based violence.
“This Plan provides an effective blueprint for change,” Ms Kelly said.
“What we need to do now, is to ensure that governments, communities, organisations and the business sector are adequately equipped and resourced to implement the Plan, with attention to the unique challenges faced by regional, rural and remote communities.
“This includes things like specialist training across health, justice and education, access to housing, family violence leave, reliable transport, childcare and social payments.
“The high prevalence of gender-based violence in the north-east Victoria and Goulburn Valley region and around Australia fuels the urgent need for cultural and systemic change, which underpins the primary prevention approach.”
Ms Kelly said the vision for ending violence within a generation will ensure that this 10-year plan is prioritised beyond the political term of any particular government, however it is vital that the Plan is implemented efficiently, equitably and sustainably.
“WHGNE appreciates the Plan’s focus on engaging men and boys in fostering positive masculinities, and the emphasis on holding perpetrators to account,” Ms Kelly said.
“We are also pleased at the announcement of a tailored Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander plan based upon consultation with a First Nations advisory group.
“In order to effectively prevent gender-based violence we must ensure that the unique knowledge and experience of victim-survivors is drawn upon.
“These experiences will be informed by the multilayered and complex interactions between various forms of inequity, and the systems and settings we all navigate throughout our lives.”
Ms Kelly said WHGNE contributed a submission to the consultation process around the draft Plan.
“This newly released National Plan will be integral to our ongoing prevention work in north-east Victoria and the Goulburn Valley,” Ms Kelly said.
“We look forward to working with our community to take collective responsibility for stopping gender-based violence before it starts.”
For more information or further comment, contact:
Amanda Kelly
WHGNE chief executive officer