Gender and Disaster

The Gender and Disaster (GAD) Pod was formally established by Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) and Women’s Health in the North (WHIN), in partnership with the Monash University Disaster Resilience Initiative (MUDRI) in 2015 to promote the understanding of the role played by gender in survivor responses to disaster.

Following twelve years of collaborative research in Victoria the GAD Pod has gone national, changing its name in the process – Gender and Disaster Australia. January 2022 saw the end of this formal partnership, however WHGNE continues to work alongside GADA to promote their research in rural and regional Victoria and extend our gender and disaster networks.

WHGNE continues to utilise and promote the work of the GAD Pod including the gender and disaster resources, research and key messages through our networks and communities of practice.

In particular, the Community of Practice established for partner councils participating in the Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women in Bushfire Affected Communities program has been a key space to continue to explore the gendered impacts of disaster and improve awareness and understanding of the extent and impact of gender inequality during and following environmental disaster.

You can find out what GADA are working on, on their website, and have a look at the GAD Pod resources developed over 12 years (“Select Project” Gender and Disaster Pod) on our website.

Watch a video of women talking about their experiences on Black Saturday here
