Six paintings, depicting aspects of health and wellbeing, were created as part of the Making Two Worlds Work project, for use by local health and community agencies across north-east Victoria to welcome Aboriginal clients and families.
Local agencies are encouraged to use these images when designing written or visual information for Aboriginal clients/communities, or to seek out local artwork from the specific area in which the agency works. Also available from WHGNE is a DVD, featuring Karin McMillan, who explains the importance of art in Aboriginal communities.
Mental and Spiritual Health belongs to all of us.
People attending a community event for Mental Health Week in Wodonga in 2006 were invited to put their hand print on the painting to create the background. That same week community members attending a local mental health awareness gathering developed small artworks symbolizing spiritual and emotional health. Other artwworks were designed by families attending a parenting program. The border and design of the painting was then completed by Mungabareena community members.
The eye of health is in the hand of the beholder, seen by the beauty and culture which surrounds us.
The visual images were created by an Aboriginal parenting group and their children. The images represent taking care of your body both inside and out. The flowers surrounding the images represent blossoming health.
We don’t know unless you tell us. You’re not alone, we can help.
The centre circle represents place or home and the wonky shape that surrounds it represents when it goes out of whack for one reason or another. The animal tracks symbolise travel and transport. The arches represent people who, at times, feel very isolated. The circles represent communities.
Make your support for Aboriginal communities a reality – genuine and true.
Workers attending a 2006 forum about equity, culture and inclusion were invited to contribute their handprints to the poster. The artwork was then developed by an Aboriginal elder. The middle circle represents meetings and gatherings of health and community agencies. The outer circles symbolises different organisations and individuals working collaboratively to advance health and wellbeing in our area. The lines signify the many links and networks.
Strength in identity carries you through.
The suns and the moons represent many days of culture. The smaller inner circles signify other Aboriginal communities. The centre circle represents our community in which we live and the leaves symbolise a healthy community. The circle with the snake represents dreamtime and spirit. The two arches symbolise Aboriginal people strong in their identity. The two arches symbolise Aboriginal people strong in their identity. The wavy dots in the circle represent water needed for survival and the plant depicts health and growth.
Family and kinship. It’s in the heart, constant and strong. Young people need to know where they belong.
The centre arch is the self, surrounded by family represented by the four outer arches. The circles surrounding arches symbolise support provided by Mungabareena to Aboriginal families and individuals. The outer circles signify the local generalist services and their networks. This is to remind us that generalist services need to seek Aboriginal advice to work in partnership and we, as Aboriginal people, sometimes need to seek outside support for harmony and health enhancement.
Find more Making Two Worlds Work resources here.