16 Days of Activism: Stay or Leave? 

“The risk is so different when the fire is out.” 

For 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence in 2021, WHGNE formed a creative collaboration with author Cate Kennedy and animator Annie Murray to develop an animation which captured the heart-wrenching experience of women from rural communities in the aftermath of disaster. 

The pioneering research of Gender and Disaster Australia, (an initiative of WHGNE and Women’s Health in the North, in partnership with Monash University Disaster Resilience Initiative), inspired this creative project which encapsulated the voices of women in the region who survived bushfire, only to be faced with increasing rates of gender-based violence.

In conveying this message through an artistic medium, we hoped to engage people on a more visceral level during the heightened awareness of gendered violence during 16 Days of Activism. This project brought together WHGNE’s work around gender and disaster, rurality and the prevention of violence against women. 

Watch Stay or Leave 
