What would our communities look and feel like if we designed and created them with equitable access in mind?
The best way to answer this question is to listen to the voices of women living with disability, who have unique and valuable insights into the barriers to safe and equal access, actions that enable true inclusion and participation, and a vision for what our communities might look like if people’s lived experience guided decision-making when it came to community building and town planning.
This online event, the third in our Women at the Edge collaboration with the Wheeler Centre, brought together just such a group of women with lived experience of disability, supported by Women with Disabilities Victoria, Moira Shire, Cobram Community House and Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House, to share their wisdom about accessibility in regional communities, and together, explore what a future vision for access, inclusion and participation for all could look like.
Moderated by by Carly Findlay OAM, an award-winning writer, speaker and appearance activist and attended by council team members, community organisations and interested community members from across the Goulburn Valley and north-east Victoria, Women at the Edge: Access and Beyond incorporated the vivid and expressive illustrative skills of artist Sarah Firth to enable participants to see, hear and feel what equitable access was all about.